Unleash Your Superpowers for Success.
This program is everything in the Kicking Goals coaching program, plus more.
Perfect for business owners, managers, leaders and executives, this program brings in your key stakeholders and team to add breadth and depth to your performance goals and outcomes.
Have you ever wondered what stops you from achieving your goals?
Do you wish you had superpowers to achieve those goals?
As Don Clifton once said, “There is no better way to empower somebody than to see them in terms of his or her strengths.” We are all born with natural talents–those things that we do naturally well and often without thinking about it. In a world where we are told to focus on our weaknesses and work on becoming ‘well-rounded’, success by innate ability is becoming more and more stifled. Using a strengths-based approach, this process will help create more success using the talents you already have. We believe that you can’t become anything you want–however, you can become more of what you already are. We believe that you are unique, you are powerful, and your greatest potential lies in your strengths.
Through the CliftonStrengths Assessment by global analytics and advice firm Gallup, this program will help you discover your strengths and unlock your potential. Research by Gallup finds that people who use their strengths are more engaged and productive at work, and three times more likely than others to have an excellent quality of life. In fact, organisations that invest in strengths-based development achieve as much as a 29% increase in profit. Building a strengths-based workplace can also help organisations increase customer engagement by up to 7% and employee engagement by up to 15%.
Next, we’ll get clear on what’s important to you, your team and your organisation, then set meaningful goals and build a pathway to achieving those goals.
if you are like most people, you spend your life “hoping that things will get better”. It’s not because you aren’t capable – you are! It’s because you don’t have the right process to set the right goals to get what you really want. It’s time for you to get the results that you want in all areas of your life. If you’re tired of “almost getting there”, or if your Little Voice constantly convinces you to simply be happy with what you have and not set your expectations too high, this program is for you. If this sounds like something that applies to you or your team, this program is the perfect solution!
Have you ever noticed that achieving what you want requires more than just you? Sometimes the biggest obstacles are getting others to support you, be aligned with you or just give you the space to let you get what you want. Imagine if your team, your family, your friends, and your colleagues not only supported you but had goals of their own that you could support them on, and hold each other accountable to.
What you’re going to learn:
You’ll identify your unique talents and strengths using Gallup’s CliftonStrengths assessment
How to use your strengths to achieve your goals and do more of what you love
What gets in the way of getting what you want
What really matters to you and identify meaningful goals for the next 6 - 12 months
How to build a roadmap to get you there – we’ll create a plan together
How to stay on track
What’s included:
An initial Chemistry meeting to see if we’re a good fit
Your CliftonStrengths assessment and Full 34 Report
An Alignment call or meeting with a key stakeholder or sponsor
360 interview(s) with people you work with
12 coaching sessions
A report on your progress
An end-of-program progress session.
The details:
This program runs for between 6 and 12 months, depending on frequency of sessions
Sessions can be face-to-face or via video conference such as Zoom or Skype
Sessions are one one-on-one, occur each week and are 60 minutes.
“I needed guidance from someone who essentially
got it... someone who not only understood, but wouldn’t judge what most of society would call unachievable or unattainable goals or life aspirations.
I could not be grateful enough for stumbling across [Dan] and for having that 20 seconds of courage to reach out and ask for his help.
Seriously one of the best decisions I’ve made.”
“At a time in my life when my inner compass was broken, Dan was able to work through my thoughts to determine a positive direction and put me back on track.”